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News and Events

​​Fitness & Movement Classes

​​Financial Wellness Webinar

Join the NIH Federal Credit Union (NIHFCU) on Monday, March 24 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET for Three Transitions to Retirement.  Join us and learn how to: More confidently address the financial, lifestyle and emotional transitions to retirement, guard against risks and manage the inevitable ones, gauge when you're ready for retirement, and, much more! Reserve your virtual seat.​

​New! Six-Week Spring Health Challenge "Chirpy"

Our 6-week health challenge lets you earn points for physical activity, practicing mindful meditation and enjoying reading. This challenge is filled with fun, easy tracking, supported with hundreds of delicious recipes to try. Join us, grab your colleagues to build well-being behaviors that last. 

  • Mon. March 17 - Registration starts
  • Mon. March 31 - Participant starts (record your progress) 
  • Mon. April 7 - Registration ends (last day to join team)
  • Sun. May 11 - Last day of program (last coaching emails)
  • Tues. May 13 - Last day to log your activity​

New! Toolkit: Staff Resources for Stress Relief and Facilitating Team Building

View this new central repository of pre-recorded webinars and reading resources to offer staff an opportunity to address stress, utilize one or more resources as an icebreaker during team meetings, and to encourage brain breaks in the workday.

View Toolkit​

New! ​​Wellness@NIH Presentations Intake Form

​​Are you looking for the Wellness Team to present to your ICO on a specific health topic, or to educate your team on the program area's benefits? If so, we have a new intake form which takes less than one minute to complete. Your answers help us determine the best option(s) for your team's needs.  Once the form is received, staff will respond within 48 hours to discuss your needs. 

Wellness Wednesdays from Kaiser Permanente

Join Kaiser’s Health Education Team from now through March 27 for live weekly classes on a variety of health topics. Register to view live or access previous recording. Upcoming topics include March 5 at 12:00 PM ET for "Sophrology to Ease Panic Attacks," and March 11 at 12:00 PM ET for a "Resistance Band Workout." Recorded sessions include topics like, “Eating for the Season: How to Navigate Winter with the Freshest Eats That Won’t Break the Budget.”

Learn more and Register​

March Wellness Newsletter

​Stay up to date on our Wellness@NIH events, toolkits, and well-being resources to support your health.

Read more

Five Tips: Pause to Benefit Your Well-Being

We all know there is a need to take pause during the workday, and yet sometimes it seems hard to step away. If you’d like some new ideas, or you are not sure what to do for your well-being when you take a pause, this guide offers five tips to reset and nourish yourself.

​NIH Clubs (Bethesda Campus)

Interested in joining fellow employees and guests in NIH Club activities, on and off-campus? Check out three new clubs:


​Recent Recordings 

​The Art of Intentional Communication (January 2024)

A workshop on active listening and conscious communication to benefit your work and personal well-being. This webinar will highlight and demonstrate the key aspects of being fully present, observant, and purposeful in our words and actions with others. View slides and recording.​

Preventative Care Guidelines (December 2024)

Learn the importance of preventing, finding, and managing health problems with an array of tools to support your preventative care. Recording​.

Menopause 101: Supporting the Shift with Sleep, Physical Activity & Nutrition (November 2024)

For many women, the array of physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms can begin up to ten years prior to menopause and continue during the post-menopausal years. A community approach  can support us all. View recording, download PPT slides​ or three-page flyer​.​

Reading The Food Label (October 2024)

​Kaiser Permanente's Health Educator teaches NIH staff how to read the USDA food label, practical tips for portion control, and understanding key  ingredients. View the recording​.

Wellness Workshop: Stress Management (September 2024)

Learn tips and tricks for managing stress and burnout - explore the effects of stress and how to mitigate them in your everyday life. View the recording.​

Nutrition & Meal Planning for the Whole Family (August 2024)​

Speakers from NIDDK and ORS discussed eating for your microbiome, recipes that support gut health, and meal planning to benefit the whole family. View the ​recording​Download a PDF of the slides, or view the PPT. Staff also shared recipes with one another during the workshop. Check out the (anonymous) Google doc for more meal-planning tips​ from your NIH community!

Setting Boundaries and Seeking Work-Life Balance (August 2024) 

Connect with the Wellness@NIH community about the importance of balancing personal and professional life. Learn tips and tricks for communicating and setting boundaries and ways to maximize work-life balance this summer.  View the recording​ and the workshop slides.

​​​​Unlocking the Door to Men's Health - Webinar (June 2024)
Panelists from NIMH and Wellness at NIH discussed the importance of taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others. We addressed societal norms, despair, stress, coping skills, and the importance of preventative health, among other topics. The event has passed - view recording.


Resource Reminders