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Be Well at Work


Get Moving: Hybrid Workplace

Being active during your workday has been shown to improve blood circulation, reduce stress and improve work productivity. Go for a walk, take the stairs, and/or do exercises at your desk between meetings. Even one or two 10-minute activity periods per day makes a difference! Below are some resources.​

Take a Virtual Fitness Class

Join a​ Gym

R&W Resources

Physical activity is important for everyone regardless of age, mobility, and ability level.

Activity is important for healthy aging. "Tips to stay active are included in the site - Go4Life"

Many groups offer events and classes that accommodate persons with physical, mobility, and other challenges, thus offering opportunities for social interaction and physical activity.

More ideas:

Family Activities

You can be active even indoors.  

Indoor activity can involve   something as simple as everyday housework and chores.  Dancing, active video games, and aerobics work-outs are other options when the weather is inclement - and you can do these activities with others.

Find a non-NIH gym that offers membership discounts to NIH employees:  ORS list