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Nutrition Basics

Learn more about the basic nutrition to make healthier food choices.  

Eating Healthy

Eating a balanced diet means selecting a variety of foods from each of the five food groups that serve as the building blocks for a healthy diet. Consuming foods from each group helps you to get all the nutrients you need. These food groups include:

The DASH Eating Plan can help you prepare meals that provide foods from each group.

Dietary Fats

Dietary fats are an important part of a healthy diet. Fats help us absorb certain vitamins and provide essential fatty acids.  

Vitamins, Minerals, and Dietary Supplements

Vitamins and mineral play an important role in maintaining our overall health.  

Other Resources​

​Calories are a measure of energy that a food or beverage provides.  They come from the carbohydrates, fat, protein, and alcohol in the food and drinks you consume.   It is important to balance the energy you get from foods and beverages with the energy you burn from your daily routine and physical activity.

Learn more about how to estimate your personal calorie limit.

Use these sample 2000 calorie menus to help you estimate how much food you will need to meet your calorie needs.

To find out how many calories are in a food or beverage, you can check out  Food-a-pedia.

​​Eating a balanced diet means selecting a variety of foods from each of the five food groups that serve as the building blocks for a healthy diet.  Consuming foods from each group helps you to get all the nutrients you need. The USDA Daily Food Plan and DASH Eating Plan resources can help you plan meals that provide foods from each group​