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Prepare for Emergencies

​​Division o​f Emergency Management 

​The Division of Emergency Management (DEM) ​is the principal emergency planning resource responsible for coordinating all NIH resources essential to emergency planning and preparedness functions.​

Staying Connected

News Based on Location

Traffic and Transportation


AlertNIH is a communications service that allows the NIH to broadcast messages to all employees. Your government devices will automatically receive alerts. You can also receive messages on your personal devices by updating your NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) profile.

Evacuation Drills

NIH is mandated to have two evacuation drills each year. You should be familiar with your building evacuation procedures.

Additional Resources

    1. Build a Kit
    2. Make a Plan
    3. Get Tech Ready
    4. Emergency Alerts

AlertNIH is a communications service that allows the NIH, and the employee's respective IC, to broadcast messages to all employees and contractors simultaneously, or to selected individuals or groups, in a faster, more efficient manner than the traditional mass notification methods.

Your government communications devices (work phone, email, blackberry, cell phone, etc.) are already in AlertNIH and you will receive messages on these devices.

You can also choose to receive messages on your personal devices (home phone, cell phone, home email) by updating your NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) profile.