Mental Health Awareness Month


May is Mental Health Awareness Month   

Mental Health America is proud to have founded Mental Health Month in 1949. Every May, their organization comes together to continue the tradition of promoting awareness, offering vital resources and education, and advocating for the mental health and well-being of everyone. This year's theme is Where to Start: Mental Health in a Changing World. 

The world is constantly changing – for better or for worse – and it can be overwhelming to deal with everything going on around you. While society is getting more comfortable discussing mental health, it can still be hard to know “Where to Start” when it comes to taking care of your own well-being. This May, Mental Health America will help you: 

  • Learn how modern life affects mental health with new resources to navigate our changing world. 

  • Act by building your coping toolbox so you can manage stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations. 

  • Advocate to improve mental health for yourself, your friends and family, and your community. 

Download the Mental Health Awareness Month toolkit


Stress Reduction Techniques: Relax, Get Centered and Improve Your Mindset

Join NIH panel members for this presentation on “Stress Reduction Techniques: Relax, Get Centered and Improve Your Mindset." The goal of this session is to help you unlock key tools to stress management through exploring how we prevent stress from negatively impacting our communication, when to seek help and how Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction techniques can calm the mind and re-center the body. This session will be a lecture and experiential format so please be prepared to participate and enjoy some time to unwind!

  • Thursday, May 2, 2024
  • 2:00 – 3:00p ET
  • Zoom webinar​
  • Meeting ID: 160 527 6872
  • Closed Captioning will be provided, and this session will be recorded

​AJPH Highlights Health Worker Mental Health 

The American Journal of Public Health recently published a special supplement with 15 articles focusing on health worker mental health. This special issue of the journal was sponsored and edited by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and stems from the health worker mental health initiative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIOSH. Research indicates health workers experience high levels of physical injury, harassment, stress, and burnout and many health workers intend to leave their positions or the field altogether. Protecting and supporting health worker mental health has important implications for the nation’s health system and our public health infrastructure. Read more. 

​New Business Collaborative for Brain Health Launched  

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, along with collaborators AARP, GN Group, Eli Lilly, and Novo Nordisk, launched the Business Collaborative for Brain Health to implement innovative solutions that optimize cognitive health across all stages of life. The Collaborative’s mission is to develop solutions supporting brain health in workplaces and communities, recognizing brain health as a critical asset for the longevity of American workers and the nation’s economic vitality. Addressing chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and hearing loss can mitigate cognitive impairment risk. Companies joining the initiative have a unique opportunity to shape solutions benefiting both their organizations and extending the healthy and productive years of their employees. The Collaborative aims to transform perceptions of brain health, contributing to a future where people not only live longer but live healthier, both physically and cognitively. For more information about the Business Collaborative for Brain Health and the Brain Health Best Practices Scorecard, click here. ​


National Physical Fitness and Sports Month are celebrated in May. It is an initiative by the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. Since 1983, each President has proclaimed May as National Physical Fitness and Sports Month to promote the importance of physical activity, physical fitness and sports participation. 

There are many ways to be physically active. All kinds of active pastimes can help improve our physical and mental well-being, making physical activity one of the best ways to stay or get healthy.

Some benefits can be achieved immediately – like improved blood pressure and reduced anxiety – while other benefits are the result of making physical activity a regular part of your routine. The key to a successful fitness program is consistency and making exercise fun!

The Physical Activity Guidelines:

  • Adults should move more and sit less throughout the day. Some physical activity is better than none. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits. 
    • For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity and 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity
    • Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity and involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week

Everyday Physical Activity Tips:

Walk Whenever Possible

  • Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator
  • Take a family walk after dinner
  • Park farther from the store and walk
  • Go for a half-hour walk instead of watching TV

    Move More in Your Home
  • Garden, or make home repairs
  • Do yard work. Get your children to help rake, weed or plant
  • Work around the house. Ask your children to help with active chores
  • Wash the car by hand

 ​​Live Actively

  • Join an exercise group, and enroll your children in community sports teams or lessons
  • Choose an activity that fits into your daily life/lives
  • Dance to music with your family
  • Choose activities you enjoy. Ask children what activities they want to do

For additional information visit


Become a Fitness Center Member Through 1/31/2024 and we will waive the $40 initiation fee.

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 Check out the new Wellness@NIH Website as we continue to add content.