All That We Share Exercise & Team Building

“All That We Share" is a Danish TV commercial that has gone viral over the years and has been viewed over nine million times on YouTube. The video challenges the “us versus them" narrative by bringing together diverse groups of people who seem to have nothing in common. The video features people standing in boxes, sorted into groups based on things that make them different. Then a moderator asks questions like, “Who was the class clown?" “Who are stepparents?" “Who has been madly in love?" “Who has felt lonely?" and people step out of their boxes and come together. The video is a powerful reminder that we all have more in common than we think and that our diversity and our differences should be celebrated.

On September 13, members of ORS took the opportunity to try out this unique challenge, led by Leslie Pont, during the 2023 ORS Appreciation Day, an outdoor team-building event to bring ORS staff together, recognize their hard work and appreciate their dedication to the mission of NIH. The event included an organizing committee, food vendors, lawn games, music, a vision boarding workshop and more. The “All That We Share" team-building exercise kicked off this annual event as an ice breaker and focused on how much more we are alike than we perhaps realize. It was also a quick and fun way to learn a bit about our colleagues. Try it today, whether in person or virtually! For more team building ideas in a hybrid environment, contact Lesliefor details. ​



Become a Fitness Center Member Through 1/31/2024 and we will waive the $40 initiation fee.

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 Check out the new Wellness@NIH Website as we continue to add content.

Leslie Pont
Program Manager
NIH Wellness Program​​​