Bike to Work Day 2022

Join us – rain or shine – in celebrating National Bike Month and Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 20. The NIH Bicycle Commuter Club (NIHBCC) and the Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) recognize bicycling as an environmentally friendly, cost-effective, fun, and healthy way to commute to work. The NIH will host one of the 107 pit stops in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, supported by the Washington Area Bicyclists Association (WABA).


Registration for Bike to Work Day is free by visiting Enter your employer as "MD Montgomery Co National Institutes of Health Bldg 1" and help NIH defend our proud title as the employer with the most Bike to Work Day participants. The NIH is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse, any prizes associated with the event.


Combining bicycling with Metro is another excellent choice since Metro allows bicycles on trains during rush hour. Anyone who rides a bicycle to Metro is still participating in Bike to Work Day and will benefit from this method of transportation. Given current gas prices and the ongoing construction on campus, this will be a perfect day to try a new form of transportation even if you only ride for a small portion of your trip.


If you have never commuted by bicycle to NIH and are not sure how to begin, please explore the "Commuting" link on the NIH Bicycle Commuter Club website. You can connect with local bikers who are happy to help and even ride along with new bikers. Learn tips on topics ranging from purchasing a bicycle to favorite NIH commuting routes.


For additional information about Bike to Work Day or the NIH Bicycle Program, please contact Sean Cullinane at 301-496-5050 or


Sign language interpreting and CART services are available upon request to participate in this event. Individuals needing either of these services and/or other reasonable accommodations should contact Mr. Sean Cullinane at, 301-496-5050. Requests should be made at least five days in advance. To access Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS), call 711.​



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