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Online Communities

​​​There are many ways to connect with fellow employees, including through online communities. The NIH employee population is large and diverse,  and each of us can serve as a resource to one another. Joining a listserv or following fellow NIHers on social media are just some of the ways we can come together as a community and tap into the rich body of knowledge at NIH.
​Social Media

​Many Institutes and Centers are talking about health and wellness on social media.  Join the conversation by following some of the groups below.  For a full list of NIH social media, click here.

Social Media Links
Twitter Icon @NIHEmp​​l​
Twitter Icon @NIDDKgov
Twitter Icon @NIAGo4Life
Twitter Icon @NIH_ODS
Twitter Icon @NIHprevents
Twitter Icon @SmokeFreegov
Twitter Icon @SmokeFreeWomen
Blog Icon NIH for Health
Facebook Icon Drug Facts​​
Facebook Icon The Heart Truth
Facebook Icon It's a Noisy Planet. Protect Their Hearing
Facebook Icon Know Stroke
Facebook Icon National Eye Health Education Program
Facebook Icon NIH News in Health
Facebook Icon Smokefree Women
Facebook Icon We Can! - Ways to Enhance​ Children's Activity & Nutrition
Employee Well-Being Listserv

​​The Wellness at NIH listserv provides information about services in support of employee's health and wellness such as health observance months, upcoming webinars and on-campus events. Receive NIH welllness-related events directly in your inbox. Click here to join.​

​​Healthy Eating Listserv

​A Listserve dedicated to people who would like to eat in a more health concious manner. This promotes the NIH mission to apply our knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life and reduce illness and disability. Click here to join.

​NIH Parenting Listserv

This listserv provides a forum for NIH parents to exchange parenting, child care, and other related information. Click here to join.​

Life Management Listserv​

​This listserv offers a place for questions and suggestions about resources related to dealing with life while working. For example, do you know of a qualified plumber? What are good vacation spots within a day's drive of NIH?  Click here to join.


For a full list of NIH listservs you can join, visit:
